Mayan Countdown: 0 Days 0 Hours 0 Minutes 0 Seconds

A new book about 2012, "The 9th Minute" by Ra'ah Zaqen,
is now available for sale!

Within the next decade, numerous significant astronomical events will take place. Will the world end? The Mayans considered December 21st, 2012, to be the completion of two major influential cycles of approximately 26,000 years in both the precession cycle of the Earth and the direct alignment of our Sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The odds of these two events occurring at exactly the same time are phenomenal.

The 9th Minute covers our version of what will happen December 21st, 2012, in a fast-paced story describing the pursuit for commercial space travel as the human race contemplates the possibility of its demise by cataclysmic events unequaled in human history.

Ra'ah Zaqen (Heb., Seer of the Ancient Ones) is the creator of the StarDial sky map. She lives in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where she resorts in the exquisite beauty of one of the nation's oldest parks, invigorated by the natural underground springs coming to life from the Earth.

To contact Ra'ah please navigate to

C O I N C I D E N C E  ? ? ?

Listen to Lady GaGa's three minute 'Bad Romance' Ra, Ra, Ah Ah Ah Loop.

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"The 9th Minute" as well as my newest book "Heavenly Signs" are now available at Xlibris, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or visit your local bookstore.

Click on the book covers to get more info!

Go to Xlibris for more info


Ra'ah Zaqen
YT Channel

Updated: January 26th, 2019